decimal point

[ˈdesiməl pɔint]
  • 释义
  • 小数点;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The number immediately to the left of the decimal point in the Arabic numeral system.


  • 2、

    It cannot contain any ( decimal point ), blank space or comma between digits.

    它不可以有 ( 小数点 ) 、 空格或逗号在数字当中.

  • 3、

    With decimal point, span, range and digit zero setting function.

    具有小数点设定 、 比率 、 量程及零点调整功能.

  • 4、

    For example, an int object cannot accept a decimal point and has a scale of 0.

    例如, int对象不接受小数点,其小数位数为0.

  • 5、

    The period is also used as a decimal point.


  • 6、

    You know 0.6 is a decimal because there's a decimal point between the 0 and the 6.


  • 7、

    Jun Jun always makes mistakes with the decimal point when solving math problems.


  • 8、

    The decisive decimal point made ac the acid man decide to suicide.


  • 9、

    The first twofigures after the decimal point indicate tenths and hundredthsrespectively.


  • 10、

    Where the dimension is a whole number, neither the decimal point nor a zero is shown.

    当尺寸是整数时, 小数点和零都不用标出.

  • 11、

    The number in the third position left of the decimal point in an Arabic numeral.


  • 12、

    If the value has no fractional part, then the decimal point is omitted.

    如果值没有小数部分, 则省略小数点.

  • 13、

    PI generated a small program can accurately swap places after the decimal point a few hundred.


  • 14、

    To shorten ( a number ) by dropping one or more digits after the decimal point.

    通过减少小数点后位数来缩短 ( 数字 )

  • 15、

    Meanwhile, the results should only by expressed in integral number or number following the decimal point.

